Australian pop sensations Sheppard may not believe in love, but the Brisbane-based hit makers are preparing to enter a long-term relationship, with the announcement of a song every month as they unveil a year-long project.

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Following on from the success of the bands previous single ‘Die Young’ – which landed late last year and spoke candidly about the band narrowly avoiding a break up – ‘Don’t Believe In Love’ is the first monthly track, seeing Sheppard turn away from introspection and focusing on the all-too-relatable issues of a broken heart.

Landing just two weeks after Valentine’s Day, as the novelty Celebrations chocolates and servo flowers begin to wear off; ‘Don’t Believe in Love’ shines a realistic light on a common problem in relationships all over the world; doubt.

“Don’t Believe in Love is an ‘anti-love song’. We’ve all been in that dark place where we feel like love is not made for us.” Said George Sheppard “When it doesn’t go right, love can hurt us like nothing else can, and this song is about those times where it just feels easier to build up those walls and never let love in rather than risk being hurt again.

The new single ‘Don’t Believe In Love’ is the first of a series of songs and videos, set for release each month leading into the release of the bands brand new album in late 2020.

“Our forthcoming album isn’t necessarily a concept album”, Said George Sheppard “but there’s definitely a cohesive theme running throughout the songs and a linear narrative that I hope people are able to piece together as the year goes on and the album grows. It’s an ambitious goal (releasing every song on the album as a single is no easy task) but it will be a fun challenge for us and give our fans the opportunity to look forward to a new Sheppard track every month!”

Released month by month, and accompanied by music videos, art and content splashed across the bands social channels, the linear narrative embedded within Sheppard’s forthcoming 2020 release will slowly begin to take shape over the coming months.